美 [ɡʊd ˈmæstər]英 [ɡʊd ˈmɑːstə(r)]
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  1. But she is not a good master .


  2. Then you must have a good master of both English and Chinese .


  3. A good master can find out my advantage and train me well .


  4. But that doesn 't matter , he 's a very good master .


  5. I love a good master .


  6. A good master of English preposition has long been an important item of TEFL activity .


  7. As a result , a good master of discourse markers will help the teacher have a good lecture .


  8. Generally speaking , a good master of rhythm features means a high test score , otherwise the opposite .


  9. Good master of English language , with foreign company working experience and Zhuhai local residence is prefered .


  10. " Ay & how is that , good master dimmesdale ?"


  11. We cannot imagine anyone without a good master of mathematics becoming a scientist or making big achievements in their related fields .


  12. My good master Bates dying in two years after , and I having few friends , my business began to fail .


  13. A good master of lexical chunks can promote their language proficiency , fluency and idiomaticity in their learning process .


  14. A good master of business letters writing skills and language features are extremely crucial because they stand for the company public image and corporate reputation .


  15. And , behold , one came and said unto him , Good Master , what good thing shall I do , that I may have eternal life ?


  16. Besides , an outstanding program must be attractive which relies on a good master of time changing , a deep thinking of daily life and accumulation of broad knowledge .


  17. The results showed that germination percentage had distinct difference by different methods . And the time of count germination from the first times to the last times had a good master .


  18. Therefore , Higher physical education should adjust course arrangements and make preparations for students to have a good master of health knowledge and health-developing ability after their graduation .


  19. If only the young man had realized that Jesus was not just a good master , or a good teacher , or a good prophet , but that Jesus was God .


  20. " Yes , my good master ," cried Bertuccio , casting himself at the count 's feet ," it was simply vengeance & nothing else . "


  21. " Ay ! - how is that , good master dimmesdale ?" interrupted the governor . " make that plain , I pray you !"


  22. We are living in an age when science and technology are developing rapidly . Many things tend to be international . So it is necessary for us to have a good master of a foreign language .


  23. A good master of the scientific connotation of and the relation between the subject and the object and the time-space characteristics plays an important role in fulfilling the task of education of thought and politics .


  24. Im leaving a lot behind , he said sadly to John.My mother , and you , a good master and mistress , and the horses.And I shant know anybody at the new place .


  25. To start with the view of colour in whole , the student will have a good master of the magical function of the colour language in the various kinds of art and get to know its formation and variety .


  26. Good Master Wilson , I pray you , examine this Pearl - since that is her name - and see whether she hath had such Christian nurture as befits a child of her age .


  27. The state of Queensland hosted the 2018 Commonwealth Games , and Brisbane was praised for its high percentage of existing venues , a good master plan , experience in organizing major events and its favorable weather .


  28. Based on teaching practices of many years , considerable achievements have been gained through some useful researches on the course reform that aimed at improving practical creativity of the students to have a good master of advanced methods of Food Analysis and Safety Verification .


  29. The Bible says in Mark chapter 10 that the young man kneeled before the Lord Jesus and asked Him , " Good Master , what shall I do that I may have eternal life ? " That was a good question .


  30. For an industry , it is important to study the " technical barrier of trade " ( TBT ) to have a good master of the way to break this barrier and proper use of TBT , so as to promote China 's foreign trade and economy development .
